Partner Universities & Programs
Partner Universities & Programs
Partner Universities & Programs

Erasmus+ Partner Universities

Erasmus+ Partner Universities List

You can download the updated list of partner universities through here!

After you check the universities and their quotas, you should do your search properly. Please note that each university may have quotas for more than one department, so these quotas do not mean that they are specific to one department.

There are some important things that you should learn very well; language of instruction, finding course lists, admission rules, accommodation services -whether they offer or not- and so on. You are the only person who will manage the process for your choice; BAU Exchange Office is responsible for the fair selection of applicants and official nomination to partner university after being selected.

Please have your time and make a good search of the partner universities at their own website by googling the ‘university name Erasmus+ incoming’ or find the relevant website of their exchange programs.

Be sure to review and consider also:

-Monthly expense of the country

-Accommodation offers of university

-Academic offer (English offered courses, packages, modules offered to incoming erasmus/ exchange students)

-Admission rules (may vary a lot) (Language certificate, minimum ects credits achieved before nomination, extra requirements)

-If the list of English offered courses published on their website complies with your courses to be recognized (you can see at least the last year’s list)

-Visa requirements

-Academic calendar of the partner university

-Weather conditions during your desired semester

… And lots of further research might have been done personally by a student who seeks to do abroad study.