Tuesday February 22, 2022
Tuesday February 22, 2022
Application Period: 24 February 2023 13.00 AM – 25 March 2023 17:00 PM Applications will be done through the KION online system English Proficiency Exam date will be announced. Traineeship Period: Your Erasmus+ Placement cannot be less than 2 months and can happen only between: June 1st, 2023- September 30th, 2024. You have to check your mobility […]

Application Period: 24 February 2023 13.00 AM – 25 March 2023 17:00 PM Applications will be done through the KION online system English Proficiency Exam date will be announced. Traineeship Period: Your Erasmus+ Placement cannot be less than 2 months and can happen only between: June 1st, 2023- September 30th, 2024. You have to check your mobility […]

Application Period:

24 February 2023 13.00 AM – 25 March 2023 17:00 PM

Applications will be done through the KION online system

English Proficiency Exam date will be announced.

Traineeship Period:

Your Erasmus+ Placement cannot be less than 2 months and can happen only between: June 1st, 2023- September 30th, 2024. You have to check your mobility days before your internship. If the time period is clashing with your period of studies at BAU, your OIS account will be locked until you finish your internship.

Letter of Acceptance:

Letter of Acceptance should be at least one page long and contain the student’s DETAILED tasks as intern and the exact dates (min. 60 days) the student will continue to work. Signed and stamped version of the document must be submitted.

Deadline of the submitting Letter of Acceptance: 29th April 2023 (min. 60 Days) 


Screenshots are not valid as language proficiency documents. Students who upload screenshots instead of official documents will be eliminated.

If the submitted language proficient document’s score and the score submitted on the online platform do not match, the application will be eliminated.

Even if your native language is English, you must prove it with a document.

If you attended an Erasmus language exam before and you want to get the result of that, please contact.  School of Foreign Languages.

If students submit one type of language proficiency to the online application, they cannot change it afterwards

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

  • For undergraduate students minimum CGPA of 2.20/4.00
  • For graduate and PHD students minimum CGPA of 2.50/4.00
  • The CGPA displayed on the student system at the time you apply will be valid when you apply to the program. Depending on when you’re applying (if during the semester is ongoing or after the final exams are announced), your CGPA may change and therefore your CGPA may seem different depending on the time you’re applying.
  • Submitting CGPA is mandatory for all students who would like to apply for Erasmus. If students have sufficient language proficiency but not the sufficient CGPA are not able to apply.
  • Students who are applying from graduate or PhD but do not own a GPA from BAU yet, are able to apply with their undergraduate graduation GPA if minimum 2.50/4.00 or above
  • For double major and minor students, CGPA is valid.
Selection Criterias:
  • Child of martyrs or war veterans (Has to be documented) +15 points
  • Students who are who have been under protection by 2828  Social Services Law. The proving documents must be submitted to the online application system during the application period.
  • (Proving document has to be obtained from Ministry Of Family And Social Policies) +10 points
  • Disabled students, on condition for the disability to be documented.+10 points
  • Had previously take part in a Erasmus+ program (with or without grant)  -10 points for each
  • Going for mobility at a country where holds citizenship   -10 points
  • Students who had been selected before to participate to an Erasmus mobility but didn’t cancel their right before the announced cancellation deadline         -10 points
  • Candidates who applied simultaneously for two activities within the same application call (the student will sign a petition regarding her/his decision on from which application the deduction will be applied)     -10 points
  • Not participating to orientations for previously placed students    -5 points
  • Approved Acceptance Letter during the application period +10 (NEW)


  • It is the responsibility of the student to find a position in a company in EU. Before application finishes, student must upload official letter of acceptance with stamp and signature of the company. Without this letter, application cannot be taken into account.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to arrange accommodation. Internship company may help, before deciding on a host company, please consider such conditions.
  • Internship duration must be minimum of 2 months, and maximum of 12 months.
  • Students who want to do their internship after graduation are required to apply before graduation.
  • Students who want to do internship after graduation must have applied and been accepted during the application period while they were students, before they graduated. Although they have the right to make mobility within 12 months after graduation, they cannot go beyond this period.
  • Students who attended Erasmus+ Studies Mobility can apply Erasmus+ Placement Mobility, but total duration of all Erasmus mobilities cannot be more than 12 months.
  • All informations will be made from the e-mail accounts of bau.edu.tr without taking into account the e-mail addresses specified during the application. For this purpose, our students can log in to the student e-mail addresses on the main web page of BAU with their user name and password.


Being selected to be an Erasmus+ student does not guarantee that Erasmus+ mobility grant will also be provided.

BAU Erasmus Office is responsible to select the outgoing Erasmus students. Based on the number of selected students, the Erasmus Office applies to the Turkish National Agency for a budget of Erasmus mobility grants for the following academic year. The Turkish National Agency allocates a budget of mobility grants to BAU. Those that are selected for a mobility grant will be announced by the Erasmus Office and the list may be subjected to further updates.

According to the amount of students who are eligible and the budget the Erasmus Office has, it will be decided by the Erasmus Comission of BAU and officially announced on the website if students will be fully or partially granted.

Students are able to participate to the Erasmus program without receiving any grants if they wish.

Students who are selected for Erasmus+ Placement (Traineeship) Mobility will get monthly grants depending on the country they will go to. Total grant will be calculated according to the duration of the selected student’s official traineeship. Students will receive %70 of their total grant before their internship starts.When mobility is completed, passport entrance and exit dates and mobility certificate are examined and total grant is recalculated. Students coming earlier than planned days of mobility will be asked to pay back the relevant amount of grant provided- If the %30 does not cover the difference caused by early return. Moreover, if the student leaves the country of his/her Erasmus for a period of more than 7 days during the exchange, s/he will return the amount equal to whole period of travel carried out.In any case of mobility which lasts less than 2 months, the certificate of the student will be cancelled and student must pay back the %100 of the grant.

  • NOTE:If students start their internships before academic year begins, since grants won’t be paid by the National Agency, there might be delay transferring the grants to students.

Application Procedure Step by Step

  1. Find your internship company. The positions of the trainees must be relevant to their departments at BAU and must be on a practice basis.
  2. Set an appointment with your academic coordinator and get confirmation about the position’s coherence with your department at BAU. You can see the list of academic coordinators at our website.
  3. Collect the letter of acceptance (on the letterhead of the company, official stamp and signature) from the company issued on your name. The letter of acceptance must contain at least the planned dates of traineeship, name-surname and job description.
  4. Complete your pre-application at the online application system (bauexchange.bau.edu.tr). You are required to upload the letter of acceptance and official transcript of records during the pre-application. Follow ‘Erasmus> Student> Outgoing student during the pre-application. Then choose ‘Internship’ as your program type.
  5. Be sure to enter all the details of the company and the information’s validity.
  6. After completing your preregistration, wait for your application status to be updated as “In the process”.
  7. When application status is updated as “In the process” by BAU Exchange Office, print the application form and have it signed by your academic coordinator. Form must be signed by applicant, as well.
  8. Upload your signed application form to the online system. (Documents can only be uploaded in PDF format.)
  9. Application status of applicant will be updated as “Application Completed”. Only the applications with this status will be evaluated.
  10. After application is completed, take the English Proficiency Test. Date, time and location of the exam will be announced by Exchange Programs Office via e-mail and at the website.


    The following organizations are not eligible for higher education internship activities under Erasmus +:

    European Union institutions and EU agencies (see https://europa.eu/european-uni…)

    National Agency, etc., which conduct EU programs. organizations.

    • Uncompleted, wrong or late applications will be deleted automatically.
    • The application is under responsibility of students. Missing documents and wrong documents will be eliminated during eligibility check process.
    • Students who do double-major can only apply for one major.
    • Please, follow the announcements for changes that may occur in the mobility processes according to the course of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Candicacy and Announcement of Winners:

Selected students for Erasmus Traineeship Program are announced at our website. Winners’ list is announced within 10 days after English Proficiency Test. Application status of the winner students are updated as “Succeed” in the online system.

Application statuses of students listed under additional/ substitutional announcement are updated as ‘Substitute’. Selection committee can consider this list only If a considerable number of students announced as winners cancel their Erasmus programs. No dates are decided for such notification as this process depends on the cancellation of individuals.

Erasmus Student Consultant Office Hours: 

    • You can get more information about the mobility programme from Outgoing Students Coordinator at BAU Exchance Office at the dates and times which are mentioned below:
    • Weekdays between 10:00 – 17:00
    • Also, for further information you can send an e-mail to; outgoing@int.bau.edu.tr
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