Erasmus+ Staff Exchange
Erasmus+ Staff Exchange
Erasmus+ Staff Exchange
Staff Mobility for Training Staff Mobility for Teaching Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Grants Incoming Staff Required Documents



Reference Guide

First Key Action of the Erasmus+ Program provides funding for teaching staff to undertake short-term teaching visits to partner institutions. The program is called ‘Personnel Teaching Mobility’ and is coordinated by Bahçeşehir University Erasmus Office. Staff Teaching mobility is a field of activity that enables any person employed in a higher education institution holding an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) in Turkey to study in one of the program countries. The daily grant amount on a country basis is determined by the National Agency ( within the framework of the rules of the European Commission. Faculty members participating in the program can benefit from various funds, including contribution to travel expenses and subsistence allowance while abroad. The grant is given to support the person’s expenses, including transportation, accommodation and food within the city.

Travel Amounts;

Travel distance for each participant is calculated with the following ‘Distance Calculator’ provided by the European Commission:…

Fixed amount travel allowance is provided based on travel distance.

Through the distance calculator, the km value between two points from the place where the personnel is settled to the place of activity should be determined and calculated. The transfer of the personnel does not affect the distance reached by the distance calculation mentioned above.

Duration of Mobility:

Within the scope of the 2022-2023 Call, the personnel who submit their applications can be granted with a minimum mobility day of “2 days” or a maximum of “5 days”.

It may vary depending on the status of the applications evaluated by the Erasmus Commission. The mobility period grant depends on the total amount of the allowance to be allocated to Bahçeşehir University by the Erasmus Commission. Therefore, the final mobility period is determined by the Erasmus Office.

Teaching mobility should cover a minimum of 8 hours.

How to Apply?

All full-time or part-time instructors who want to participate in this mobility program must send the application form, the final teaching mobility agreement approved by the host institution (all signed and sealed), the invitation letter received from the host institution to .

Academic staff teaching activity is an activity that is calculated on a day-by-day basis, and a grant is paid for the days taught. For this reason, it is mandatory to specify the teaching program in the Staff Mobility for Teaching – Mobility Agreement.

Within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility, grant resources are limited. The number of days during which the personnel who will participate in the mobility will be awarded may vary according to the number of accepted applications.

Instructors and academic units who have not participated in the teaching mobility program before will be given priority in the evaluation process. For document samples, you can get information from the links below:

Documents to be submitted for application:

Invitation letter, Application Form and Personnel Teaching Mobility Agreement.

Applicants who cannot allocate allowance due to lack of resources will be placed on the reserve list and allowances will be allocated to these people according to the availability of funds in the future. The following evaluation criteria have been determined by the Turkish National Agency and their implementation has been approved by the Erasmus Commission.

Documents to be submitted during the application:

  • Application form
  • Invitation Letter

Documents to be submitted during Mobility:

  • The Grant Agreement will be prepared by the Erasmus Office. (Requires 3 signatures.)
  • Teaching Mobility Agreement
  • Euro Account Information

Documents to be submitted after Mobility:

  • Certificate of participation
  • Online EU Questionnaire (later to be sent to your e-mail address)
  • Copy of Passport and Boarding Pass

Staff Mobility for Training

Staff mobility for training enables staff of higher education institutions to spend a period of training between 2 working days and 8 weeks in an enterprise or organization such as a higher education institution in another participating country.

Who can benefit?

Staff from higher education institutions.

For how long can staff go abroad?

·    Staff can receive training abroad between 2 working day and 8 weeks.

·    Language training and attendance of conferences, seminars and workshops should not represent the majority of the total ERASMUS-funded training days per sending institution and academic year (per single grant agreement).

Where to train and what kind of training is offered?

The stay in the partner enterprise, organisation or institution can be called a variety of names: short secondment period, job-shadowing scheme, study visit, workshop, conference etc.

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training- Partner University List


Staff Mobility for Teaching

Teaching staff mobility enables staff to spend a teaching period between 2 days – or at least 8 teaching hours at a partner university.

What are the objectives of staff mobility for teaching?

  • To encourage higher education institutions to broaden and enrich the range and content of courses they offer;
  • To allow students who do not have the possibility to participate in a mobility scheme, to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of academic staff from higher education institutions and from invited staff of enterprises in other European countries;
  • To promote exchange of expertise and experience on pedagogical methods;
  • To create links between higher education institutions and with enterprises;
  • To motivate students and staff to become mobile and to assist them in preparing a mobility period.

Who can benefit?

The teaching assignments may be carried out by teaching staff of higher education institutions and by invited staff of enterprises.

For how long can teaching staff go abroad?

  • Staff can teach abroad between 2 working days and 8 weeks. The minimum requirement for a teaching assignment is 8 teaching hours (per week).
  • A minimum duration of 2 working days is strongly recommended to provide a meaningful contribution to the teaching programme and international life at the host institution.

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching- Partner University List