Monday January 15, 2024
Call for Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility for Internship4all Consortium
Monday January 15, 2024
Call for Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility for Internship4all Consortium
INTERNSHIP4ALL CONSORTIUM ERASMUS+ TRAINEESHIP PROGRAM **This application is made only for the purpose of sending students within the scope of Internship4all Internship Consortium. BAU general Erasmus+ Study/Internship applications are a different call. ** **Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is carried out by Bahçeşehir University, and in addition to this mobility we do/will do ourselves, we also offer […]

INTERNSHIP4ALL CONSORTIUM ERASMUS+ TRAINEESHIP PROGRAM **This application is made only for the purpose of sending students within the scope of Internship4all Internship Consortium. BAU general Erasmus+ Study/Internship applications are a different call. ** **Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is carried out by Bahçeşehir University, and in addition to this mobility we do/will do ourselves, we also offer […]


**This application is made only for the purpose of sending students within the scope of Internship4all Internship Consortium. BAU general Erasmus+ Study/Internship applications are a different call. **

**Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is carried out by Bahçeşehir University, and in addition to this mobility we do/will do ourselves, we also offer an internship opportunity within the consortium we are a member of in order to offer a different option to our students. **

**Application Portal (Başvuru Portalı) is provided under the name of Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye. The use of this new system by all universities in Türkiye has been made mandatory for us by our institution called the Turkish National Agency, which carries out Erasmus+ Traineeship mobility in Türkiye on behalf of our country. **

**You should be aware that the Application Portal (Başvuru Portalı) is new and constantly updated. We try to support as much as we can about the problems experienced or to be experienced, but since the system is new, we are in the process of getting used to it as the office. We are in contact with the Turkish National Agency about the problems or deficiencies experienced during the application. **

**In the application process it is obligatory to write your department/program in Education Information section. Please do not skip this necessary information about yourself. **

**Students need to enter the system via the link below with their “e-government” (e-devlet) information and password in order to apply for the for the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program. ** 

**-10 points will be applied if a student applies for Erasmus+ Study and/or Internship mobility applications under BAU, which we will open at the 8th of January, after applying for this Consortium Erasmus+ Internship mobility. **


Altınbaş University is the coordinating institution in the Erasmus+ Internship Consortium under the name of Internship4all, and 6 Universities (Bahçeşehir University, Biruni University, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University, Işık University and Maltepe University), 1 Company (KION Bilgisayar Bilişim Yazılım San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti) 2 Non-Governmental Organizations (Community Volunteers Foundation, Turkish Exporters Assembly) are involved as partners.

In previous years, an Erasmus+ application was made with 6 universities within the scope of the consortium and within the scope of this project, our consortium project was entitled to receive a grant.

Erasmus+ Internship Mobility is carried out by Bahçeşehir University, and in addition to this mobility we do/will do ourselves, we also offer an internship opportunity within the consortium we are a member of in order to offer a different option to our students.


·      Within the scope of the common objectives of Vision 2023 and Europe 2020, the ultimate goal of the Mobility Consortium is to increase the employment rate of the skilled workforce and contribute to the development of a cooperative culture and cooperation between universities and industry (external stakeholders), which will bring great positive impact to the modernization of higher education.

·      Within this context, the Mobility Consortium aims to increase the quality of mobility activities through all Consortium member institutions’ expertise and experience.

·    Provide extensive support to help students build and develop effective communication, entrepreneurial and career management skills, easily adapt to international and multicultural business environments, be proactive and take initiative to plan for their careers.

·      Produce employable graduates that fulfil industry requirements and expectations,

·      Establish and develop permanent cooperative relations with organizations/businesses through training/internship activities.

·      Improve communication between universities and industry, which is their most important external stakeholder.

·      Through mobilities for placement, render the relations established between students and industry permanent to update and revise the curriculum and/or develop a new curriculum based on regular feedback from employers/students.

·      Provide equal employment opportunities by implementing support processes for economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities, and by taking measures to eliminate obstacles that prevent them from participating in mobility activities.


In this period of this project, which we participated in 2020, we have opened an application within our budget of 7,633 € per institution. Within the scope of the project, we are planning to benefit from Erasmus+ Internship mobility, with a maximum of 4 students with a grant of 2 months. In addition, our students can make mobility without a grant. 

**In the application process, which will continue until 9 February 2024, 11 March 2024 has been determined as the deadline for the acceptance letters to be received by the students from the internship institutions the got their acceptance letter from. **

***The Erasmus+ Internship Consortium project under the name of Internship4all will end on 31.07.2024, which means you have to complete your mobility after that date. The student who are considering to apply, are advised to set their mobility dates accordingly.

**We kindly ask students who want to take advantage of the Erasmus+ Internship mobility under the name of the Consortium to complete their applications by paying attention to the specified dates. When applying through the application portal, do not forget to upload the required documents completely and without errors, because after the application deadline is completed, if any missing or error is found in the requested documents, the application will be seen as invalid. **

 **According to the information made by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, applications will now be made through the BAŞVURU PORTALI. In order for our students to use the specified portal, they must use their own passwords via E-DEVLET. It is required to have both e-devlet profile and the password to apply for the consortium**

**The information requested in the online application system must be filled in completely and the following documents must be uploaded to the system. Applications made with missing and/or incorrect documents will not be considered. **


  •  Minimum GPA of 2.20/4.00 for undergraduate and 2.50/4.00 for graduate.
  •  GPA will be 50% and the English exam will be 50% effective. The resulting score will shape the final list.
  • Erasmus+ Internship mobility must be a minimum of 2 months and until the end of the project, which is 31.07.2024. Movements under 60 days will not be considered valid.
  • Internship places and positions that students will do must be related to the department they are studying or are studying. It is not appropriate for them to do internship mobility in a position other than the department they are studying.
  • It is obligatory for students to discuss the approval of their internship places with the Erasmus+ coordinators of their own faculties and get approval. As the Erasmus+ office, we are not authorized to be eligible for the internship, but we would like to point out that you will not be eligible for mobility without the approval of the faculties for this subject.
  • It is the responsibility of the students to find the company/institution where the internship will take place.
  • Students who want to take advantage of Erasmus+ Internship mobility should have information about the full-time internship working hours of the countries they aim to go to. They should adjust themselves according to these working hours and then they have to specify it correctly in the working hours section when making a learning agreement.

**Note: Full-time internship working hours for each country may differ. This issue should be discussed in detail with the place where the shell letter will be taken. **

  • It is the student’s responsibility to provide accommodation in the country where the internship is planned. The institution that he has agreed for the internship can help the student.
  • The student’s mobility dates, position and what he will do during the internship must be clearly stated in the acceptance letter. It should be prepared in a signed and stamped form written on the company’s letterhead.
  • Students who want to do internship after graduation must have applied and been accepted during the application period while they were students, before they graduated. Although they have the right to make mobility within 12 months after graduation, they cannot go beyond this periods well as after 31.07.2024.
  • There is no harm in participating in internship mobility for students who have participated in Erasmus+ Learning Mobility before. The total duration of the two cannot exceed 12 months.
  • If any student has participated in Erasmus+ mobility activities during their normal education period, they cannot participate in a mobility activity for more than 12 months (For example, if the student has already participated in an Erasmus+ learning mobility) If the student has participated in an Erasmus+ learning mobility for less than 9 months, the student mobility application, which is expected to take 4 and a half months, will not be approved. 
  • Double major students can only use one of the majors to apply for Erasmus+ mobility during the application period.
  • For Doctoral program students, Erasmus+ programs cannot be used at the following stages of doctoral programs:

In the last semester for students who have not taken the doctoral qualifying exam, it is necessary to take the doctoral qualifying exam.

In the last semester to enter the thesis proposal defense.

In the last semester of the maximum duration of the program.

**We advise doctoral students to talk with the institute for more information about their availability for applying to Erasmus+ programs**


  • Had previously take part in an Erasmus+ program (with or without grant) -10 points for each
  • Applying simultaneously to the Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship mobility type (reduction is applied to the student’s preferred mobility type) -10 points
  • A student can apply for both the Consortium and Erasmus+ Traineeship program that BAU will announce at the end of March. If a student applies for this Consortium, then gets -10 points from its activity in March. Students can wait for BAU’s announcement for Erasmus+ Traineeship to avoid this but the decision is up to our students.
  • Candidates who applied simultaneously for two activities within the same application call (the student will sign a petition regarding her/his decision on from which application the deduction will be applied) -10 points
  • Going for mobility at a country where holds citizenship -10 points
  • Students who had been selected before to participate to an Erasmus+ mobility but didn’t cancel their right before the announced cancellation deadline -10 points
  • Approved Acceptance Letter during the application period +10 points
  • Students who have applied but have not taken the English exam without an excuse will be deducted 5 points in their next application. -5 points
  • Child of martyrs or war veterans (Has to be documented) +15 points
  • Students who are who have been under protection by 2828 Social Services Law. The proving documents must be submitted to the online application system during the application period. (Proving document has to be obtained from Ministry of Family and Social Policies) +10 points
  • Disabled students, on condition for the disability to be documented. +10 points
  • For students selected for mobility: Not attending meetings/trainings organized by the higher education institution regarding mobility without an excuse (applicable if the student reapplies to Erasmus+) -5 points


  • For undergraduate students minimum GPA of 2.20/4.00
  • For graduate and PHD students minimum GPA of 2.50/4.00
  • The GPA displayed on the student system at the time you apply will be valid when you apply to the program. Depending on when you’re applying (if during the semester is ongoing or after the final exams are announced), your GPA may change and therefore your GPA may seem different depending on the time you’re applying.
  • Submitting GPA is mandatory for all students who would like to apply for Erasmus. If students have sufficient language proficiency but not the sufficient GPA are not able to apply.
  • Students who are applying from graduate or PhD but do not own a GPA from BAU yet, are able to apply with their undergraduate graduation GPA if minimum 2.50/4.00 or above
  • For double major and minor students, CGPA is valid.


  • The application process for Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility proceeds with a Language Proficiency Exam but different than the regular procedure of Erasmus+ Study and Internship Application process, after your application there is no Language Proficiency Exam.
  • You must request the document of your Preparatory Exam result by sending an e-mail to the School of Foreign Languages and upload it to the system during the online application system.
  • If you have taken the exam last year, you can use last year’s grade for this application. (You still have to contact school of foreign languages to get your last year’s grade)



The consortium will provide support for all pre- and post-mobility processes, helping Erasmus+ participants increase the effectiveness of their academic and professional development while seeking internships and establish direct contact with host organizations.

The Consortium will be directly involved in students’ finding an internship place, reserves the right not to guarantee an internship place for each selected student as the host organization’s hiring policy will be directly proportional to the organization’s expectations of applicants. Students are also required to take an active role in the internship search process. Seminars will be held to provide students with more information on finding an internship.


  • Erasmus+ Internship mobility must be a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. Please be mindful of the fact that the Intership4All Mobility Project will end on 31.07.2024 and you must finish your mobility until then. Movements under 60 days will not be considered valid.
  • Internship places and positions that students will do must be related to the department they are studying or are studying. It is not appropriate for them to do internship mobility in a position other than the department they are studying.
  • Letter of Acceptance should be at least one page long and contain the student’s DETAILED tasks as intern and the exact dates (min. 60 days) the student will continue to work. Signed and stamped version of the document must be submitted.
  • Those who upload the acceptance letter to the system at the time of application will receive +10 points.
  • After the application deadline is completed, participants will be given additional time to find an acceptance letter, but +10 points will not be received.
  • The institution in the acceptance letter uploaded to the system at the time of application cannot be changed later.
  • Company change may be due to reasons beyond the student’s control. Although the participant needs a force majeure, this change must be approved by the Erasmus+ Exchange office.

Please check the link below in order to see and get the template for letter of acceptance.

Traineeship Documents and Procedure | BAU Exchange


Internship4All Konsorsiyum Eğitim Alma Hareketliliği Başvuruları